Wednesday, March 29, 2023

How to do english gematria

english gematria is a numerology system that assigns numerical values to words and phrases based on their letter sequences in order to discover hidden correspondences. The practice of English Gematria can be used to uncover hidden aspects of language, symbolism, and spiritual truths. With a little practice, anyone can learn to perform English Gematria calculations in order to explore the deeper meanings and insights that lie beneath the surface of any word or phrase.

Step 1: Familiarize Yourself With the Basic Principles

The core concept behind English Gematria, is that all words, when broken down into their root letters and assigned numerical values, can reveal an underlying spiritual meaning or connection. By assigning numerical values to each letter in the alphabet (most systems work with a 1-9 sequence based on the Qabalistic Tree of Life), we can form combinations of numbers that offer insight into our language and its hidden messages. For example, by performing Gematria calculations on common religious terms or names from mythology, we can tease out fascinating numerical relationships between different traditions and beliefs.

Step 2: Find Your Number Sequence

Once you're familiar with the basics of English Gematria you'll need to discover your own personal number sequence for your calculations. This number sequence will depend on which alphabet you are using (most systems use either Hebrew or Latin numerals) as well as the convention that you choose for assigning numerical values (some practitioners assign higher vs lower numbers to each letter while others use a fixed pattern). Choose whichever approach works best for you and memorize it so you can always refer back as needed.

Step 3: Perform Calculations On Words And Phrases

Now comes the fun part - performing actual English Gematria calculations! Open up your favorite online Gematria calculator (or download one if you prefer) and start typing in words or phrases that interest you. The calculator should automatically calculate the numerical value based off of the letters present in your input then offer some potential symbolic meanings behind those results. Play around with different combinations until something sparks an idea or connection – this is where your creativity really comes in handy!

Step 4: Know Your Limitations

English Gematria isn't a perfect science – it only offers hints at potential connections between words rather than definite answers about their underlying meanings. To get accurate interpretations from your results, it helps to have some basic knowledge about gematric symbolism as well as plenty of practice performing calculations yourself. When working with these results it's important to remain mindful that these interpretations should be taken with a grain of salt!

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